Height for ACRO ?

What height (from the ground) do you aim for before practicing any tricks ?

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Gonzo23's picture

Mostly negative maneuvres are a problem.. so 150-200m above not any further, even if you motivated as hell! Positive maneuvres (not SAT maneuvres) like wingover,... are learned quite fast, and are relatively safe (compared to a helico) till 40 m above.. like said before....

Only one bad landing is enough and you can roll in a wheelchair to the landingplace seeing your friends landing and flying...

I use always a small mountain as a reference (200m) which is near the landingplace and never would do negative tricks "under" it...


marnix's picture

In Latvia, we don't have a mountains, so we use a winch. Ordinary we tow up to 450-700m so
in my case new manovers I learn till approx. 150-200m. But "dynamic" manouvers which I really know I do till approx. 40-100m. In my case safety first. :)

cruelangeltesis's picture

In my case depends on how mucho do i know the manouver. If it is something i can do pretty well, with 120 metres its enough... new stuff, i need more than 180 metres above water.
